Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tough Boy:

1) It's OK to not be a tough boy (or girl).

2) Find someone who knows exactly what you're going through and will listen (ie: therapist, etc). When you naturally look so fantastic to others it can be draining to keep up the presentation of feeling and acting just as fantastic.

3) Take off the makeup and cry already.

4) Take away the rain, and you'll take away the rainbows. Every weak moment makes each obstacle so much sweeter to hurdle over when you have strength. There will be better days.

I've had a really rough week. I've had a really debilitating string of sleepless nights and migraines that are leaving me extremely wiped out. I'm down for the count.

But, on a brighter note within this week - I was invited to join the online health community of Wellsphere! As a new HealthBlogger, I am linked in with the Brain Health Community. I'm hoping I may be able to get some exposure to others with some great advice I can start recording here (or there... do they automatically link? I sure hope so.... I'm only one person... it's hard enough to learn several things when you're re-learning everything you used to know!)

I was also awarded a "Top Health Blogger Badge" (per the Wellsphere site: as recognition for the impact you're making on peoples' lives) which is pretty cool!!

Top Health Blogger - Wellsphere

Thanks for helping me with the preliminary setup Geoff - I'm excited to be part of your WellSphere world. Thank you for the invite! There's a ton of great information for people looking to get quality information to help lead healthier lives. I haven't looked around too much - but I can't wait to explore in the coming weeks :)

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