Sunday, March 22, 2009

Perfect Moment of Relief

Perfect Moment Roses
I received years ago

Tough Boy:

1) Assess the stresses that are preventing you from focusing on recovering.

2) Get creative. Think outside the box!


An article headline caught my attention just now on in the Finance section. It read: "More women needing cash go from jobless to topless." Ha. I got a little chuckle out of it. I didn't read the entire article, but if you're interested here's the link.

The irony of this... I've actually thought about this as an option to make money. Thankfully I kept holding out until I could make better decisions; but desperate times call for desperate measures and as a young woman in her early twenties... I kept it in the back of my mind (as for some other options I'm not too proud of!).

Financial stress has always been the number one variable to cause worry and anxiety - even before my accident. I know I'm not alone. With this economy, brain injury or not, anxiety has heightened about how people will can cut back on frivolous spending and maintain their sanity. My biggest concern - and others - from not having any income points specifically to how am I going to pay for my rent, keep my home, maintain the stability and security that is provided from the roof over my head.

I don't have the answer for this. But I do encourage creative thinking. Asking people you know for money is easy when you're raising funds for people you both don't know, for walks and charities. It's a whole new ballgame when you need money for yourself.

How have I done it? I was able to get a credit card that (for a fee) would cash advance money into my bank account, I have an amazing landlord that has let me live month-to-month until I couldn't do it anymore, he moved my 'last month' that I paid when I moved in 4 years ago to be February's rent, and most recently had many prayers answered. I don't own anything and can't get a loan, I've maxed out my credit options, my family cannot help much... so what other options do I have? Stripping? Phone sex operator?... uh... where are my morals???

I needed something that could give me a lot of cash by April 1st. Something that wouldn't require 'working' just yet... I just can't yet. Something that will be easy enough to BS my way through. Something I might enjoy anyway...

Whether God answered or I just got lucky - pieces started to fly together and it started to become clear that the only loans I could qualify for were for education, as long as it was a graduate degree. By the grace of having the stars align just right... I 'stumbled' on a Master's in Social Psychology that was starting on March 2nd - the day my student loans from Pharmacy school would become delinquent. I busted my butt to get the application in ASAP, within two days I was accepted and started the student loan process.

It just made sense. It isn't a free ride - it's still a lot of work. I read Psych all the time and I like to write (even though this stuff requires a TON of energy for deadlines etc...). It deferred my loans for in-school status from the DAY I needed it most. It went off my 2007 taxes (when I worked before I was hit!) and I now have about 11 months of rent coming. The application fee had been waved for a few weeks right when I needed to apply. It's COMPLETELY online and I can do it while still going to RI for treatment or at 4 am on the fourth night of insomnia/migraine.

Honestly - I have to believe nothing is a coincidence. It came at the perfect moment with all the right answers. I believe I'm in my apartment because "someone bigger than me" knew what I was about to go through and believed it would be what I needed to make a recovery through these horrible few years. I had to believe "they" wouldn't take it away from me until I no longer needed it to recover 100%. It was my biggest challenge while trying to develop a minuscule amount of faith. I now have the biggest financial stress on quiet for a while to allow me to focus on getting back into Pharmacy and building up some work endurance ever so slowly.

I am so thankful. Not everyone is as lucky. And I encourage you to continually keep pushing buttons and thinking outside the box. Answers will come at the most critical time - last minute! Creativity, creativity, creativity... its not easy, but just imagine the possibilities!!


Colette Amelia said...

I am so glad that you found some financial salvation. I was so very sick at heart reading this, it is such a stress...and no one should have to strip, talk dirty or even worse in order to live.

Good luck! But don't overwork yourself.

Ajlouny said...

With every door that closes a window opens.