Saturday, August 23, 2008

Does this milk smell bad to you??


1) Keep a Sharpie marker next to the fridge

2) Write the date you open the milk on the carton (or other perishable) on the day you open it for the first time! Right then! Before you pour it!

3) Write the expiration date found on the bottle, if more appropriate. But make it BIG so you can see it!

4) Check the date written on the carton and check your calendar every morning before adding milk to your cheerios....


Not a great day today. Not a great last two weeks. I have a lot of times like this actually... but I'll try not to go down 'pity-me' road ever. However, I had originally wanted to try to have SOME sort of organization to make it easier for people to follow. But I just can't. It's just too much... I just can't.

So I'll stick to shorter things like this. And longer stuff I'll post after working on them for a while so they are kind of legible? able to follow?? organized????? I need to lay down.

I hate that phrase. But... I just can't. :/

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